Living Well with Chronic Illness or Disability

Cathy Berman, MFT

SERVICES — Living Well with Chronic Illness or Disability

I have specific expertise in working with :

  • Back injuries/disabilities are the most common workplace injuries and can interfere with your life on all fronts.
  • Breast surgery due to Breast Cancer diagnosis and/or high-risk prevention.

I can help you to approach these challenges, add new coping skills and to emerge feeling stronger with a sense of possiblility….

We will work on:

  • Maximizing your wellbeing by setting reasonable goals.
  • Navigating the healthcare system, finding trustworthy resources and cool-headed decision-making
  • Asserting your needs and asking for support from family, friends and co-workers.
  • Coping with treatments and the emotional rollercoaster.
  • Adapting to body image and sexuality changes.
  • Finding humor in the process.


Going through a new diagnosis of a chronic illness or an ongoing physical disability may feel like you are swimming in slow motion against the current.

TIP SHEET — See Cathy’s Tips for Living Well with Chronic Illness or Disability›

(Free pdf download)


Contact Cathy Berman today for a complimentary consultation to explore how you may work together. 
