Postpartum and Pregnancy
Beyond the Blues, Understanding and Treating Prenatal and Postpartum Depression & Anxiety by Bennett, S and Indman, P
This Isn’t What I Expected: Overcoming Postpartum Depression by Kleiman, K
www.postpartum.net – Postpartum Support International, good information, telephone support and international directory of members. Trained peer support in English and Spanish. Postpartum Depression Helpline: 1-800-944-4PPD (773)
http://postpartumstress.com/ -The Postpartum Stress Center, LLC, offers premier treatment and professional training center for prenatal and postpartum depression & anxiety as well as a full range of general counseling services to individuals or couples seeking support. Appointments: 610.525.7527
www.MedEdPPD.org – Informative website for Consumers and Professionals
Pregnancy Loss
Our Stories of Miscarriage Healing With Words, Edited by Faldet, R & Fitton, K Unspeakable Losses, Healing from Miscarriage, Abortion and Other Pregnancy Loss, by Kluger-Bell, K
Websites and Talklines:
Exhale – After-Abortion talk line, pro-voice – www.exhaleprovoice.org, 1-866-4-EXHALE
Your Backline – Pregnancy, Parenting, Abortion and Adopotion – Judgement-free: 1-800-493-0092
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Mind Over Mood – Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think by Greenberger, D and Padesky, C
Anxiety and Stress Management
The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook, 4th edition, by Bourne, E.J.
The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook by McKay, M
Habit Change
The Power of Habit by Duhigg, C
The Complete Beck Diet for Life by Beck, J
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide, by Gottman, J and Silver, N
Couple Skills: Making Your Relationship Work by McKay, M, Fanning, P and Paleg, K